Jan 22, 2021
MelCoco Private Security Services
Three friends hanging out, or Snowy flanked by her two paid bodyguards?

Jun 24, 2020
Snowy, Kiki & Coco
Coco can't help but feel slightly boxed out here (she muscled her way in right after)

Apr 22, 2020
Coco, please don't try to squeeze into that tiny house with two pigs already in it... (she tried, and failed)

Mar 30, 2020
A wild Coco appears
Coco is one of our quieter squeakers, but she'll come out and say hello for a carrot or two.

Jan 22, 2020
Meet the Tribe: Coco
Coco is giving me the side-eye because she's been here for two weeks and I still haven't done her introductory photo. Here she is.

Jan 9, 2020
The golden girls have arrived
We welcomed Kiki, Coco and Svetlana as the newest squeakers last night. This trio of old ladies have been with each other their whole...